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We are not carrying the LED Panels any more.
LED Panel displays are a perfect target for your FPGA project using the iCEBreaker or another FPGA development board. Together with the Pmod LED Panel HUB75E driver board it can connect your LED Panel to your FPGA or even a Raspberry Pi or microcontroller.
The panels can be chained together using ribbon cables going from one panel to the next. The maximum shift register clock rate of these panels is 30MHz so the longer the chain the longer it takes to refresh the screen.
We've collected some information about LED Panels in a Gist.
The specification of the panels is the following:
You can get them in two variants, with the ICN2037 or FM6126 shift register. The ICN2037 shift register is very simple, does not require any configuration but it also has no built in color balance capabilities. The FM6126 requires an initialization sequence on power up to configure it correctly, before it can be used. This initialization sequence is implemented and documented in Bob Miller's icebreaker-candy FPGA designs. There is also a very exhaustive thread about the initialization sequence on the Henner Zeller RPi RGB LED Matrix project page. If you create designs that are FM6126 compatible let us know and we are happy to list them here.
The ICN2037 variant of the panels is compatible with the the Bob Miller's LED Cube project. They have the parts on the back of the panel in the correct positions to fit the led cube frame. If you buy different panels than the ICN2037 offered here you will likely have to either cut or modify the cube brackets.
If you have additional questions join the 1BitSquared Chat or our iCEBreaker forum and ask away! :)
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